Pictures of dog outings

A Day in the Life ...

Your pet will accompany us the entire day. While home, they will spend the day inside with one of us or use the dog door to go outside and play or lay in the sun in our large fenced in yard. A typical day will include plenty of monitored play and sleep time at the house as well as at least one excursion away from the house, which may be a longer walk around town (possibly to downtown or Redwood Grove), to a dog park, or to a neighborhood school to run around and play with other dogs. Once or twice a week we try to take dogs on a longer more exotic trip. In the warmer summer months this is often to the beach or nearby lake. In the winter it may be a hike in the hills or along Stevens Creek or Los Gatos Creek Trail. We will end each day by sending you photos to show the fun your pet is experiencing.

Where your dog goes depends on a lot of factors, including:
1) What type of outing does your dog like? Some dogs like slow walks where they can smell the grass and bushes. Other dogs like running and chasing tennis balls. Older dogs may not have the energy to go on long outings, while younger dogs may be able to go further than us.
2) The weather. Rainy days typically mean shorter walks around the neighborhood or a trip to the dog park with artificial turf. Hot days may also mean short walks or a trip to a shady park.
3) Is your dog good off-leash in a non-fenced area? We only take dogs we fully trust and are completely attached to us to such locations. Other dogs must stay on leash or in fenced in areas.
4) What other dogs are with us? If we take all dogs out at the same time we need to pick an activity suitable for all of them.

We've included a map to help you better understand some of the activities we take dogs on and, in case you want to take your furry family member there when they aren't staying with us, show you where locations are.

Do you know of a location we should bring our furry friends? Send us an Email and let us know!

Be sure to check back often ... we are always updating this map, associated photos, and descriptions!


The information presented on this map are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate. However, we can not guarantee all statements. Be sure to verify rules and regulations at each location.


Dog Outings Key
Icon Description Icon Description
Dog Park
Dog Park
Dog Swimming Location
Recommended Location
Locations in green are the locations we visit most frequently.