Pictures of dog outings

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


$70 per day (24 hours). Daycare is $55 per stay.

We will send photographs and a message daily showing you how your pet enjoyed his/her day. You can see an example on the "Your Photos" tab. Of course if there is anything urgent to communicate to you, we will contact you immediately.

We may fill up well over a month in advance of major holidays. During the summer we often reach our max dog count 2 or 3 weeks in advance.


Covid has made it difficult to predict when we will be full. People are making reservations later and more reservations are being canceled than typical. In order to ensure we have space for your dogs stay, we strongly recommend making reservations as early as possible.

We walk the dogs while they board with us. Unless you live very close to us, we do not offer a service of walking dogs outside of the dog boarding. If you are looking for a dog walker please contact us and we can help set you up with someone who offers this service.

We do not have restrictions regarding dogs climbing on our couch. However, some owners prefer their dog not get into the habit of going onto couches. In these cases, I ask the owner to notify us and we will try to respect this while the dog is with us. Dogs have full access to the kitchen, living room, and back yard. Most dogs do not have access to the bedroom.

A typical day includes an outing, which may include:

  • A walk into town
  • A walk around our neighborhood
  • A walk to a neighborhood park or school, where (if they are trustworthy off-leash) they may run free and play with other dogs who are there
  • A trip to the dog park
Once or twice a week we try to give the dogs a 'big' outing. Which may include:
  • A trip to the beach
  • A hike in the hills
  • A swim in a lake
We list many of the locations we may bring your family member under the "Adventures" tab.

We accept

Almost never. Dan and Kathy work out of the home. We try to alternate trips out of the house or take the dogs with us anytime we leave the house. However, this is not always possible, so there may be rare occasions the dogs are left alone for short periods of time.

Checking with your vet to ensure all recommended vaccinations are up-to-date. At a minimum, we require:

  • DPP (Distemper, Parvovirus & Parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella: Vets do not always give this by default. You may need to request it.
  • Rabies
  • Fleas & Ticks control
We strongly recommend (although do not require):
  • Canine Influenza
  • Leptospirosis


Yes! We are happy to take friendly dogs for daycare and will do our best to treat them to all the fun the overnight dogs experience. The daycare rate is $50/stay.

We screen each dog before accepting them. This includes meeting the dog and watching their interaction with other dogs. We also discuss each dog's behavior with the dog owner. To date we have not had any significant issue with dogs under our care not getting along. However, if this were to happen, we are prepared to separate the dogs by blocking the front half of our home off from the rear half.

For males this is preferred. For females 6 months of age or older this is required. We do not accept non-spayed females over 6 months of age, since we will likely have other dogs staying with us during your dog's stay and cannot guarantee things won't happen. Your dog may also meet other dogs at the dog park or during our walks or playtime in a park.

We prefer Small, Medium, or Large dogs (up to 90 pounds). On occasion we may accept gigantic dogs (over 90 pounds). If you wish to board a gigantic dog contact us and we will discuss with you if this is possible.

Along with not taking aggressive dogs and restricting gigantic dogs (see above) we also require all dogs be vaccinated (including rabies), free of flees, and licensed. Female dogs over 6 months of age must be spayed.

You are welcome to sign up for a day-care or overnight prior to an extended stay as a ‘trial’ stay. We find this is rarely needed for the dog, almost all dogs settle in very quickly (within an hour or two if not within minutes). But you may find this helpful so you will learn how your dog will live before signing up for an extended stay. If you do wish to have a short test-stay prior to a longer stay I recommend having the stay last at least 4 or 5 hours. A shorter time may only cause the dog to experience the more stressful part of the stay, and then they are picked up just as they would be settling in.

Between 8:30am and 9:30pm. For dog drop-offs we recommend no later than 7pm to give all dogs enough time to settle down and acclimated to the environment prior to going to sleep for the night. Contact us at least 24 hours ahead of time to arrange the drop-off and pick-up times. While one of us is almost always with the dogs, we will want to ensure we are not out with the dogs or in the shower when you arrive. Given sufficient warning we can likely arrange to be home at a time convenient for you.

Yes! We strongly encourage you and your dog to come visit prior to booking. Not only will this allow you to review the environment and ask us any questions you may have, it will also give us a chance to get to know you and your dog and ask any questions we have. Also, we want to ensure the dogs will get along together. During the meet-and-greet your dog will be able to meet our dog as well as any other dogs we are taking care of at the time.

Along with bringing your dog, please bring:

  • Enough dog food for the entire stay (we recommend packing a little extra food "just in case").
  • The dog's bed if you have one, it is convenient, and it isn't too valuable (in case it gets damaged during the stay).
  • Any special harness used to walk the dog.
  • Have a tag on the dogs collar with your phone number.
Although rare, there have been occasions when dog beds have turned into dog toys. We recommend not bringing any dog bed which is expensive or you are too attached to.

Also, I ask you to provide us with your contact information (phone number and email address) so we can get in touch with you if there is an emergency or questions as well as send you updates on how your dog is doing. You should also provide us with the dogs veterinarian information.

We do not need you to provide bowls or even a leash. The less you bring, the less we forget to return to you :)

Yes. We are listed as 'Kathy B.' on Rover. If you prefer to book through Rover, you can find us at: Jo Jo's on Rover. You will also find many more reviews and photos on our Rover site. Note our rates are different when booked through Rover.

If you are new to Rover, you qualify for a $20 discount by booking through our profile link and using promo code 'FACEBOOK2020'.